General Info
Dealer # LMCT 9316
ABN 20 007 539 399
ACN 007 568 309
Copyright Regulations
Unless otherwise indicated, all material in the CMV Truck Centre website is copyright Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV Group). Any material copied from the site must retain all copyright or other proprietary notices and disclaimers contained thereon. You may not otherwise modify, copy, reproduce, upload, transmit or distribute in any way any material from this site including but not limited to any code or other software. All trademarks, logo, images, product, and company names referred to in this site are the property of their respective owners.
Used Truck Information
Pages within contain general information about finance products and services and should not be relied upon as a substitute for financial, investment or other professional advice. All information on the vehicles in this site has been provided by CMV Truck Centre. While all reasonable endeavours have been made to ensure that vehicles are available for sale at the time of listing, they may have been sold between the time of listing and the user's enquiry. It is the user's responsibility to check with CMV Truck Centre on the availability or otherwise of a listed vehicle. All listings on the site are a guide only. CMV Truck Centre do not and cannot warrant the accuracy of such information and accepts no responsibility for any losses or damages resulting from reference to the information contained on this site.
The information on this site is provided on the basis that all persons accessing the site undertake responsibility for assessing the accuracy of its contents and that they rely on it entirely at their own risk. The price of some trucks on this site may have changed since the last update. All persons accessing this site should enquire with CMV Truck Centre to establish whether the price of a truck has altered for any reason.
CMV Group Whistleblower Policy
To view the CMV Group’s Whistleblower Policy, please click here
CMV Truck Centre Contact Details
- • Address: 100 Port Wakefield Road, Cavan, SA 5094
- • Tel: (08) 8139 4000 / • Fax: (08) 8244 3919
- • Email : erprcgvba@pzigehpxprager.pbz.nh